Products > Memorial Garden Sculptures > Small Garden Memorial: Mini-Petal™

Small Garden Memorial: Mini-Petal™

Small Garden Memorial: Mini-Petal
Small Garden Memorial: Mini-Petal
Small Garden Memorial: Mini-Petal
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Price including selected options: £914.68

Please allow 8 to 12 weeks from placing an order to delivery. We do sometimes have one in stock and if we do we can ship next day (if no plaque required).
Price includes delivery within most of Great Britain excluding ZE, KW, IV, AB, KW, DD, PH, HS, PA, Scottish islands, Isle of Wight & Isle of Man, & Northern Ireland, Channel Islands.
Product code: SA113
This Small Garden Memorial is a variation on our larger Petal design except that it is smaller and will hold half a set of ashes. It has the same flower-like representation, each petal reflects the light with stunning beauty, it works well anywhere and its subtle design means the ashes are kept discretely yet on full display. The Mini-Petal™ is supplied with an internal 150mm sphere that houses the ashes, which as well as enhancing the design, is also a unique and beautiful receptacle to securely hold the cremated ashes within the Petal.

The sculpture is made from 316 marine grade stainless steel, handmade by British craftsmen here in the UK.

Optional Plaque and Engraving

You can add an engraved plaque to your sculpture. The plaque is 3" wide by 2" in height and can comfortably take around four lines of text.

Simply select 'Plaque ' Selected Font' from the plaque option.

Fill in the 'Engraving Text' box with the wording you would like (including capitals and any punctuation).


  • Height: 47cm
  • Diameter: 38cm